April 10, 2024
10:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Tupper Theatre D or online with MS Teams
Register here so you can be sent an invitation to the MS Teams meeting closer to the date.
In November 2023, Dalhousie again polled faculty and staff about a wide range of workplace and wellness topics in the Your Voice workplace survey.
This presentation will provide an overview of the institutional results from the survey, including key findings and recommendations from the survey provider and next steps will be reviewed. There will be time for your questions and for you to engage in discussion around key results and recommendations.
The session's host is Grace Jefferies-Aldridge, Vice-President, People and Culture. Presenters will be Chris Hattie and Janice MacInnis from Human Resources.
A recording of the presentation will be made available on the Your Voice page on the HR myDal site.
1. After you enter your NetID and password to register, and before you click the Register button, please indicate under Extra Options whether you will attend in person or online.
2. If you receive an error about missing fields when setting up your profile in the learning calendar, contact Talent.Management@dal.ca for assistance in getting set up.