Living Your Life on Purpose

Tuesdays, November 8, 15, 22 and December 6, 2022 (4-part series) [DATE CHANGE to skip Nov. 29th]
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.

Register here to be sent an invitation to the meeting series closer to the start date.

According to an article in The Harvard Business Review, written by Susan Peppercorn published July 26, 2019, “Research shows that making work more meaningful is one of the most powerful and under-utilized ways to increase productivity, engagement, and performance. In one survey of 12,000 employees, 50% said they didn’t get a feeling of meaning and significance from their work, but those who did reported 1.7 times greater job satisfaction, were 1.4 times more engaged, and were more than three times as likely to remain with their current employer.”

We all seek a life that is rewarding and meaningful, providing us with a sense of accomplishment and success. The intention of this program is to assist participants in uncovering personal values, what would bring more fulfillment, and to refine a call to action to bring more meaning to goals and aspirations. Participants will have an opportunity to do some relaxation practices to tap into more creative and intuitive awareness, and to establish mini experiments to try on the results. Participants will also be offered some homework exercises to practice the learning outcomes.

Week 1 - How we get in our own way

Week 2 - Finding Purpose

Week 3 - Values

Week 4 - Tools for implementation

Participants are asked to have pen and paper - not just a computer - to work with during the session.

Your Facilitator: Heather Reynolds' career has been built on a foundation of blending physical awareness with self-awareness and well-being. Heather combines her many years of experience as a coordinator, entrepreneur, kinesiologist, teacher, coach, and yoga teacher to guide others through a process of personal development and realization of their unique potential. Heather has authored several articles and a book on self-development and realizing one’s potential. Her primary focus is to begin where you are and to offer tools to get where you want to go.