Communication for Complex and Difficult Situations with Students (self-directed)
My name is Hazel Ling and I am the Social Worker at Student Health and Wellness. My role on the Student Health and Wellness Team is to provide practical problem-solving support to students who are experiencing challenges with daily life. I also assist students with on and off campus resource/systems navigation as well as act as the Case Manager for students who may be experiencing multiple challenges or barriers and need someone to help guide them through their University experience.
Student Health and Wellness offers a 90-minute workshop called Communication for Complex and Difficult Situations, and I am the person that facilitates the workshop. The workshop covers topics such as:
Communication basics
Personal and professional boundaries
Preparing ourselves for having emotionally difficult conversations with students
Specific “how to’s” for helping students with a variety of issues they may be dealing with, such as anger, high conflict personalities, crying and more
Resources for students on campus and how to refer to them
COVID-19 Changes to the Workshop:
Workshop now available on Brightspace as a “course”.
Modules presented in short videos – most 5-10 minutes long
No readings, assignments or tests
4 weeks to complete approximately 90 minutes of material
Live session at the end of the 4 weeks for questions, examples, practice and discussing scenarios
Dalhousie Stay Connected Peer Support Workers will assist with live sessions. Peer Support Workers are senior students with specialized training in mental health support. They will provide the student perspective and assist with practice role plays.
Staff and Faculty can self-register for the “course” at:
Upon request, I am available for a live or MS Teams Q&A.