TED Talk Circles - The Puzzle of Motivation

Date & Time: July 6 from 11:00 am till 12:00 pm

Dal’s “Explore TED Talks” Series

Do you know what TED stands for? Technology, Entertainment, Design. Their motto is “Ideas worth sharing” and we agree.

TED and TEDx talks are appealing for many of us, not only because of the high quality of speakers but also because of the storytelling style they use to spread their ideas.

We are launching a TED Talk series as a space to virtually get together, watch a TED or TEDx talk together and initiate a discussion about it. Of course, you might have watched these talks in the past, and you might watch them on your own before the session. We would like to share take aways from each TED talk, share what we have done that worked, and generate ideas about what how we can improve our knowledge, skills and behaviors. Carving out time to absorb and connect around key concepts will deepen your learning, engagement and success.

The way it works:

  1. Register for this event.
  2. We will send you a Microsoft Teams meeting request to join the session.
  3. Join the session, watch the talk and express your thoughts.
  4. Feel free to ask questions, and comment.

This TED Talk will be: 

Dan Pink: The Puzzle of Motivation
